Sunday, January 7, 2018

Healthy Avocado Smoothie

My sister introduced me to Asian avocado smoothies at a bubble tea place and I love them! Unfortunately, the bubble tea version is made with condensed milk and other unhealthy sugars, so I experimented a bit to create a modified, healthier version to make at home. I'm really happy with the result, and (bonus) they're super easy to make, too!

Just 3 ingredients:
- 1 whole banana
- 1 avocado
- 1-2 cups unsweetened coconut milk

Peel and chop 1 banana into 1" chunks and freeze overnight in ziploc bag. The next day, blend with 1 avocado and unsweetened coconut milk (8-16 oz depending on how thick you want and on the brand of coconut milk -- I try putting in less, then adding liquid as needed). Enjoy!

The banana gives just a hint of sweetness. Having it frozen adds creaminess and a bit or crunch/chill without having to add ice, so no worry about drinking it fast so it doesn't melt and dilute the drink. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Weekly IRL Missions and Free Sidebar Printables!

As a follow up to my post last weekend about daily IRL (in real life) missions and how I am tracking them in my planner, I also created some weekly sidebar stickers for my Big Happy Planner for habits that I want to build daily. I have created a points system for each item I check off, and these points/money will get added to the earnings from my daily IRL missions each week and put into my fun money -- my fun(d).

Here is a preview of the what the sidebars look like (4 per page) -- scroll down to the bottom of this post for the download link!

The printables in this post were created using backgrounds/art from freepik. Specifically, the filenames in my google drive download link have the names of the backgrounds/art used and correspond to the list below:

I have included downloads for 4 different pretty versions with backgrounds or ornaments (ready to use) in .PDF format. I also included an undecorated version in .PNG format (with a transparent background) in case anyone wants to customize the missions for their own personal use. If you have suggestions for missions, let me know in the comments!

Download my weekly IRL mission free printable sidebar stickers here:

You are free to download for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may not resell, repackage, redistribute, or in anyway present any of my creations as your own. Please feel free to share these files by linking to this post directly. You may not make them available for download from another site, social platform or other media. If you use these in your planner, please link back to this post to give me credit for my work! I have tried to give credit where it is due in my printables -- if you think anything here belongs to you or was improperly attributed, please let me know.