Nail polish needed:
- Soft pearly white
- Silver or blue glittery color (sheer is best)
- Clear top coat
Optional materials:
- Acrylic nails and nail glue (I use fake nails because I have a bad habit of picking at my natural nails when they get longer, so they never grow out. Acrylics prevent me from reaching my real nails to pick!)
Step 1: Apply acrylic nails (if desired, otherwise skip this step)
Step 2: Paint each nail completely with two coats of the soft white base. Let dry after each coat before applying the next.
Step 3: Using the sheer sparkly color, paint the top 2/3 of each nail with one coat. This looks better if you make a messy line at the bottom instead of going straight across. Let dry completely.
Step 4: Again using the sheer sparkles, paint the top approximately 1/3 of each nail with a second coat. Make the line messy again. Let dry.
Step 5: If the color gradation to the tips isn't very pronounced, you can do another coat of sparkles just at the very tips. Otherwise, proceed to the last step.
Step 6: Cover with two layers of clear top coat.
A closer look at the finished result. I love how the color fading is just enough to be seen, but not too overwhelming.
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