I will check off daily missions as I complete them. At the end of the month, each completed daily mission is worth 50 cents toward my fun spending money (for planner stickers, washi, or gaming money). This way, I can try to keep my discretionary spending under control too!
Here are some examples of my daily missions:
- Walk 12k steps
- Read a book for 15 minutes
- Listen to music
- Read 1 academic paper (related to my work)
- Publish a blog post
- Throw away or donate 1 item
- Text an old friend to stay in touch
- Plan a happy surprise/caring thing for my husband
If this month goes well, I will make some printables for next month to make it look cuter! I could also move these into my Big Happy Planner, since my to-do list has moved out so I have the space... we will see how it works!